乐乐 发表于 2014-1-9 15:38:29

每日IM文章阅读 2014.1.9 《如何从竞争对手那里偷社交用户》

标题:How To Steal Your Competitor’s Social Media Followers


改写小练手If you want to grow your website, you will need to start treating it like a real business. And what do savvy business owners do to get the edge? They network. So start reaching out to people in the same niche as you, in addition to ancillary niches. For instance, if you own a fantasy football website, you might want to reach out to website owners in the following categories: sports, college, men’s lifestyle, humor, etc.乐乐改、dofast用户,有任何阅读、词汇、改写问题 请到QQ群留言
其他兄弟有任何问题也可以留言,回答完 乐乐改和dofast 用户之后,会尽量回答~

blackjuila 发表于 2014-1-9 15:39:21

占位 一会来改写      

心晴 发表于 2014-1-9 18:46:57


xz21st 发表于 2014-1-10 13:44:26


blackjuila 发表于 2014-1-10 13:56:03

You should treat your website like a real business if you want to grow it. And what do business owners who are very savvy do to get the edge? They network. So it's time to start contacting with people who are in the same niche or ancillary niches. For example, if you own a website about fantasy foot, you can reach out to website owners in these ancillarycategories: humor, sports, men's lifestyle, college, etc.

qiuxiangkai 发表于 2014-1-10 15:03:54

You must start treating your website as a real business if you want to gain growth of it. Smart business owners always keep in touch with those in the similar niche as themselves, except the ancillary niches. So do what they do to get the edge. Let's take football niche as an example, if you have an amazing website about football, you might need to contact those guys who own websites in these categories: men's lifestyle, sports, healthy, college, etc.

浮云 发表于 2014-2-6 21:10:01


Tiantian1107 发表于 2014-7-17 12:06:16

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