Google adsense自动Blog wordpress 专用主题 Adsense Wordpress Themes (50 themes)
Google adsense自动Blog wordpress 专用主题 Adsense Wordpress Themes (50 themes)Installation Instructions
1) Open & Edit the header.php and sidebar.php file, change the
Adsense publisher ID to yours!
2) Upload the theme folder to your wp-content/themes folder
3) Activate your theme from the Word Press Control Panel.
That's all.
点这里进入下载地址: akadmin.com__Google adsense自动Blog wordpress 专用主题 Adsense Wordpress Themes (50 themes).rar
点击进入下载-akadmin.com__Google_adsense自动Blog_wordpress_专用主题_Adsense_Wordpress_Themes_(50_themes).rar 演示呢????? 有截图就更好了 两个地址相同内容 不同内容? 比较汗颜的主题 暴汗~ 晕,竟然还要密码.......... 我下载了 顺便补个图吧 大致这样子的
还不错啦..去下下 貌似用插件也能做出这样的吧 支持一下 感觉挺不错的